Leidub kuskil kord ka meile ruum / There is a room for us somewhere in time

Leidub kuskil siis ka meile ruum (2017) is a room installation consisting of 80 minimalistic oil paintings created on found wooden objects. The material became the subject, in order to give the discarded wooden objects back their life as trees in the forest.

The colourful paintings with stripes are a reference to the quirky Eastern European culture, history and mythology that revolves around forests. The exhibition is a representation of the preservative and non-wasteful beliefs of the Finno-Ugric culture.​

The minimalistic paintings lie on the border between abstraction and figuration. These fundamental vertical shapes relate back to ancient myths and beliefs, as the shapes almost look like they have been drawn onto the boards with fingers.

It was exhibited as part of the University of South Wales degree show Immersion in June 2017, and as a solo exhibition in Jõgeva, Estonia in August 2017.

Kahevahel / Between the two

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